Thursday, June 6, 2019

Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina

 Sarajevo a city of 500,000 people a d Bosnia a country of 3.5 millions citizens marked by the war from 1991-1995.

Our guide was living in Sarajevo at the time the Serbian bombardment started and was the in the last bus of women and children evacuated before the bridge of Sarajevo was destroyed. Sarajevo was under siege for three years.

For one year she had no contact with her family.  Her husband stayed in Bosnia all the time of the war. Sarajevo was under Siege for 3 years and to get out of the town it was one tunnel built from one house to the world outside. Trough that tunnel provisions were brought from outside for an entire city.

To cock food they had one stove.and they used house items as fuel such as shoes. They found out that one shoe is good for cooking one bread. Parquet was used as fuel and everything else.that burned.
She and her family moved in England and USA after war where they lived for a while but then they returned with their kids back in Bosnia in 1995.within one month they decided to buy a house in Sarajevo and sell the house in USA never locking back.

Curiosities about Bosnia. They have 3 presidents simultaneously at 3.5 million peoples.
They are not part of the EU European Union.They consider that natural resources will be stolen by this supranational structure that is European Union.

In the central park there are pictures of those killed by Serbian army during the war.
I asked the cause for the war.  The guide told me that external forces started the war and external forces ended the war and imposed their conditions at the end of the war.
There are still buildings with signs of war. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed using plans of the initial buildings found in the archives; some used old archives found in Vienna.

Sarajevo was the place where Ferdinand and his wife were killed in 1914 and that event started the first world war.

The scenery in the city is amazing.peoples are nice. The city is a multicultural city with the Muslim majority. 

We.arrived here with the intention to visit Bosnian Pyramid which we did.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Tuesday, June 4, 2019